As promised to you all, my DIY party tent- made from recycled
fitted sheets. I must say these worked out a lot better than I thought. I mean
who would have thought some old sheets could pull off the frilly edged
sparkly snow flaked Elsa kingdom look I was going for?
For the girls’ party, I planned a range of Frozen themed
interactive sensory play areas. Each tents housed one sensory play including
Elsa magic sand (link), Olaf water beads (link), Olaf water blob (link) and Kristoff water slide.
They were incredibly successful from a broad range of aged kids (and us big
kids too!). The tents worked great to differentiate between the different activities
as well as keep the kids out of the sun. So here’s the instructions to follow
for your next party. Oh and did I forget to say it didn’t cost a thing? How
great is that!
1. Sew the long edge of the
fitted sheet to the long edge of the flat sheet
2. Take sheets outside and
erect with tent poles, pegs and rope
OPTIONAL: Decorate with frilly crape
paper and snowflakes cut from contact paper.
This is some photo’s post party. These sheets stayed up for a week.