Friday, 25 April 2014

Magic sand is the best sand

Who would have thought playing with sand could be this much fun. And as it turns out, it's not even sand! Flour and baby oil is all you need for your youngens (or young at heart) to have a ball for hours! Follow the simple steps below and your kids will prefer to play with sand over watching TV, hands down.

Mix eight parts plain flour with one part baby oil. Mix together with your hands until combined. And that's it! 
Insert: smiley faced children :)

poppy xx

Sunday, 13 April 2014

DIY your space for you!

When faced with the challenge to find a TV cabinet within a modest price range that looked good, I must say I couldn't accept cheap and ugly, so goodbye Ikea and SuperAmart. My hunt lead me to gumtree where I found this beautiful antique faux white timber laminex dresser for $30! 
Sourcing my "sweet pea" green paint for the main structure from my local hardware store and visiting the veneer guy down the road for all the timber trims, this one of a kind retro tv cabinet came in under $130! 

So be encouraged! Try some DIY furniture. There are so many local businesses around you that can offer their services. Enjoy the space you live in. Make it personal and pretty TO YOU. Go get 'em! 

Friday, 11 April 2014

Cute pillow beds

When life as a one and four year old gets tough and you need somewhere to rest your greasy fingers and sweaty head, where do you go? To the pillow beds! And they work a treat. Follow the steps below for this DIY.

Collect four pillow slips and sew the lengths together. Insert pillows. Sleep :)

Have fun!

Monday, 7 April 2014

Come one Come all!

It's time to get your craft on! Come and have fun crafting at my house on the last sunday of the month. You know the drill- BYO crafty projects or you can come and make this very attractive polymer clay ring. This ring is guaranteed to turn heads, make you cooler and instantly transform you from the groover you are into the rad queen of coolness. Looking forward to it chickens! Send me a line a post or whisper to let me know if you are in xx love poppy